“An awesome, biblical defense for the Pre-Trib Rapture! PJ Hanley’s The Rapture of the Bride is a scholarly answer to those holding to either a Post-Trib Rapture or Preterist view. Readers will find it to be an excellent rebuttal to the book, Not Afraid of the Antichrist: Why We Don’t Believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture by Michael L. Brown. This book is a must read for believers on every side of the end-times fence.” Kyle Chahanovich, Pastor & Bible Teacher
A NEW Book by PJ Hanley of Understanding Bible Prophecy

The Rapture of the Bride: A Biblical Case for the Pre-Trib, Mid-Week Deliverance of a Bridal Remnant
Available worldwide on Amazon!
This book presents the Pre-Trib Rapture from a non-dispensationalist perspective. It contains many insights that are fresh and life changing! You will discover that it’s not for all who profess Christ, but for the overcomers – the Bridal Remnant! It does not just appear in one or two Scriptures but is a major theme of the New Testament. The Bride longs and prepares for the Bridegroom as she awaits her upward call. The Bridegroom is coming soon, and she knows it, and can see the day approaching. He will take her to Himself as He has promised. This is, and has always been, the hope of the true church – to be with Jesus. Do you have this hope in you or has it been stolen by preachers who focus on this age rather than the one to come? There are two churches at the end – one that is lukewarm and one that’s on fire. There is a bride and a harlot. There is a church that is taken and one that is left. Clearly now the lines are being drawn. If you are wanting to know the truth about the Rapture, this is the book for you!