Join us Wednesday 8th at 6pm ONLINE for our Passover Seder LIVE on YouTube!
(On the night of the event, the button below will bring you to the video.)

What to I need to celebrate the Seder from home?
Above you see a picture of the Seder Plate. The objects on this plate tell the Passover story. You will need the following items to join in interactively.
- Fresh Parsley and/or Lettuce
- Charoset (Chopped up Apple Mixture – Click for an easy recipe)
- Horseradish Sauce
The other items on the plate (seen above) are optional. If you cannot get them, we will have them on the live video for your viewing and explanation.
The other items you will need in addition to what is pictured above are:
- Matzah Bread/Crackers (Click for an easy make-at-home recipe). If you are less adventurous, you can just use whatever crackers you can get.
- Wine or Grape/Black Current Juice
- A bowl of water with hand towel (this is for washing and drying your hands)
- A bowl of salted water (just mix 1-2 teaspoons of salt in water for dipping herbs in during the meal)
- The HAGGADAH (The seder story book. We have provided this book for you to read along with below)
That’s it! Those are the supplies for the interactive story during the Seder meal.
What’s for Dinner?
All the items mentioned about are for the telling of the Passover story. In the middle of the story we will break for a meal. Since we are celebrating this meal from our homes, cook a nice dinner as you normally would in your home. Do you have a favorite Sunday dinner? Maybe a roast? There is no set menu, so make a dinner for yourself (and family) that you enjoy. Make it something special that you don’t have all the time, get out nice plates, light a candle… After all, this is not just any meal — it’s a celebration!
The Haggadah
This means, “The Telling”. Click the button below for the book we will all read together as we go through the Passover story (This button will bring you to another website).