God is still active and speaking; He is actively speaking to all His children! God’s desire is for all of us to know and hear His true voice. Let’s learn to listen!
Join us for a weekend on the topic of Prophecy as we welcome guest ministers, Mike & Jen Hanley. October 11-12, 2019 (Details below)
Friday, October 11th
7pm – Session 1.
Saturday, October 12
10am – 1pm — Session 2 with breaks for tea/coffee provided.
1pm – 2pm Break for Lunch – Visit one of the local cafes in Wicklow Town, or feel free to pack a lunch and eat it at the church.
2pm – 5pm — Session 3 with breaks for tea/coffee provided.
Sunday, October 13
10:30 am — Worship, Teaching, and Prayer/Prophetic Ministry
Mike & Jen will be with us Sunday morning ministering to the congregation of Banner of Love. This is not officially a part of the seminar, but all are welcome to attend.
COST: The Prophetic Weekend is FREE of charge. A love offering will be taken to help with the Hanley’s travel expenses.
Location: Banner of Love Church, Wicklow House, Main Street, Market Square, Wicklow Town, County Wicklow.
Parking: (€2.50 All Day) in the car park next to the convent at the top of Kilmantin Rd.